Celebrating in Style: Birthday Hampers in Melbourne

Another year passed. And once again, it’s time to bust out our party hats and exercise our sweet teeth. Birthdays mean that you made yet another trip around the sun, and lived! 

Journeying around celestial objects isn’t just taxing on satellites and space probes. It takes a lot out of you, a mere human being. While intergalactic travel for these hunks of metal is fueled by millions of gallons of fuel and billions of dollars in government funding, we brawny earthlings make it around the Sun on nothing but gifts and birthday cake – costing a couple of hundreds at most. Talk about low maintenance! 

In Melbourne, birthdays usually entail ordinary workdays with a half-eaten cake lazily sitting in the break room, and random wishes from coworkers you can’t confirm work with you. 

A little spark may be necessary to make this lazy day more energetic.

This year, bring your best mate a Birthday hamper on their special day. Nestle in it a few of their favourite things. When the boss calls, when life isn’t feeling alright, or when your friend’s feeling bad, he could simply recall your snazzy birthday hamper and rejoice!

What’s A Birthday Hamper Got to Do with Fun?

Throw out those supermarket birthday presents wrapped mechanically by depressed staff. Sometimes it comes with a lone – complementary – cabbage leaf. But most times, they’re just boring. 

A birthday hamper is free of produce and boredom and packs endless fun with snacks, liquor, and all those good things. 

Made Specially for Their Birthday

Much more abundant than a singularly drab present in a box, your pal’s birthday hamper won’t just have yummy nibbles they love. They also pack fancy alcohols that help them think; or forget, whichever their preference might be. 

You can pack in everything they love. There’s no better way to show them, how well you know them. 

Birthday Hampers for All Characters 

Has your best friends and gossip partner at work been taking a course in wine tasting? Support their posh new horizons with a gift hamper full of red, white, and sparkling wine, and watch them roll out a mini-course on “notes’, “tannins”, and Château Cheval Blanc. 

On the opposite end stands Fred with deep distrust for things with hard-to-pronounce names. But, he will love a beer hamper for his birthday. Let him crack open a cold one, while he says nothing for five whole hours. It’s Fred’s ideal birthday treat.

Whomever you want to wish a rocking birthday to you can make a hamper say it right!

Bundles of Affordable Luxury

When you’re not sponsored by the government or a wealthy Dad, someone else’s birthday and your bank balance can put you in a state of shock. Worse, if the birthday boy or girl has a twin. 

But even a pair of twins will be delighted by a single birthday hamper. That said, a well-put-together birthday hamper is good enough to be gifted to both a mendicant and a millionaire. 

Stacked with sweets, savouries, and fresh delights, it is a gourmet buffet in a box. Some good wines can cost in the thousands. But homegrown ones are just as precious at only a quarter of the price. Some luxuries are totally affordable. 

Succulent treats and rich wines come together in a great hamper. But to knock your gift-giving skills out of the park, you’ve got to know your receiver’s tastes accurately. 

Bring in their favourite bites. Place their most loved childhood candy on the side. Add in a few bath products, candles, and ale if you’ve heard them talking about their stress lately. Top it all off with cheese and some wine from an Australian vineyard.

It takes quite a few hours to make a good gift on a budget. Or does it?

There might be an answer. Gift Hampers Melbourne has these made to perfection, saving you all that time!

The Best Birthday Hampers in Melbourne

We identify as the official distributors of Joy in South Australia, building hampers for the ones busy with the hustle. 

What’s more luxurious than having a gift built for you just the way you want it? Gift Hampers Melbourne packs a hamper for any vegan, fitness bro, the tragically gluten-intolerant, and even your boss. We don’t merely put goodies together; we make them look magnificent. 

Get yourself a cup of coffee, nibble on a biscuit and make your pick in less than 3 clicks. If you want to make it extra personal, we’ll build a new hamper for you. Just make your picks online and our team will pack it for you. 

Ordering & Delivery 

GHM will deliver anywhere in Melbourne in a day with same-day delivery. Costing just A$ 19.95, these are your last-minute gifting needs. 

When you aren’t in such a hurry our standard and express delivery will do. Whichever option you choose, we will deliver it to the receiver’s doorstep in crisp condition. 

Most people are incredibly humble at heart, and making them happy can be delightful. Celebrate the milestones of our journey through space in style with a Birthday Hamper. It’s a fantastic gift that won’t run away with your entire budget. You’ll still have money left for a cake.  

Browse our store for a handy birthday hamper your buddies will love.